General information
- 28 accepted (16 by international authors, 12 by Czech authors)
- 121 rejected (104 by international authors, 17 by Czech authors)
- Share of articles by international authors out of accepted articles: 57%
- Share of articles by Czech authors out of accepted articles: 43%
- Share of international referees: 51%
- Share of Czech referees: 49%
This list does not include 32 articles that are currently under review or resubmitted (23 by international authors, 9 by Czech authors)
Submission instructions
- The paper must be an original unpublished work written in good English. It may not be refereed in another journal at the same time or submitted to another journal without the consent of this journal. The author(s) must agree that the published version of the paper may be placed only on the website of the journal (in pdf format). Before an article goes to print, the author(s) must sign and return the copyright agreement provided by the journal.
- Each paper must be submitted by e-mail to: redakce@fsv.cuni.cz. Submission is completed upon receipt of a confirmation e-mail.
- The text should provide an original contribution to economic theory or empirical analysis. Some preference is given to topics traditionally published in this journal: financial intermediation, public finance, including tax issues, monetary economics and monetary policy, finance, and economics of transition. Among empirical papers, preference is given to studies that are relevant to a broad international audience over single-economy studies. The journal also accepts substantive book reviews and short informative notes about important conferences.
- Each submission is briefly assessed by one of the journal editors, who checks whether the submission satisfies the journal requirements. If it does, they send the manuscript to two referees. The journal uses the double-blind referee process, that is, neither referee knows the author(s) or the other referee, and vice versa. On receiving both referee reports, the editor decides either to accept or reject the paper (in the case of similar referee recommendations) or to request a third report (if the two referees disagree). The editor may also send the manuscript back to the authors for substantive revision and re-submission without consulting the referees.
- The file should be provided in Word version 2003. While the journal is typeset in MS Word, it will accept articles typeset in TeX for considerations. If the article is accepted, the authors will be responsible, however, for ensuring that the Word version corresponds to the original.
Charts should be placed at the end of the paper with proper references in the text. Keep in mind the page size of the journal (B5) and the fact that it is printed in black and white. Tables should be prepared either in Word or in Excel, and under no circumstances in inserted graphic files. Please, provide the data used in charts as the MS Excel file. Lowercase letters (a, b, etc.) should be used to identify figure parts. Tables should have a title and a legend explaining any abbreviations used in the table. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data). - All equations should be prepared either in Word or in MathType format.
- The paper should not exceed 30 typeset pages (1,800 characters per page, including spaces) in length. Authors are encouraged to move dispensable materials to appendices that can be made available in the Data/Code archive and hyperlinked to the published paper.
- Submit two files: a) the title page file, and b) the text file. The form and content of the text file should be carefully checked to limit the need for later corrections.
- The title page includes the name(s) of the author(s), a concise and informative title, the affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s), and the e-mail address and telephone and fax numbers of the communicating author.
- The text file includes the title, the abstract (no more than 150 words), three to five keywords, an appropriate JEL Classification codes number, and the text itself.
- Acknowledgements should be as brief as possible. Any grant that requires acknowledgement should be mentioned. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.
- Only number equations that are referenced in the text.
- Write mathematical expressions on a separate line.
- Extensive empirical datasets or mathematical proofs should appear in an appendix. The main body of the text should focus on the economic intuition of the argumentation and supporting formal structure.
- Data policy: Authors are expected to provide whatever material is needed to ensure that their results can be replicated. This includes datasets (or instructions on how to access third-party datasets, accompanied by a proper description of what was used in the paper), computer programs and codes, technical appendices, supplementary tables and proofs, etc. The data should be accompanied by a message ("readme" file) explaining the structure of the data. In particular, it should explain how many observations there are, what each variable is, how the data are organized in the data files, and the sources from which the data were taken. The data will be published on the journal website in order to allow further scientific discussion.
- In the text and in any footnotes, references should be cited by author and year - e.g. (Schneider et al., 2006); (Persson and Tabellini, 2000). They should be listed in alphabetical order in the reference list.
- The reference list should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. A paper published online but not yet in print can be cited using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). If available, the DOI can also be added at the end of references already published.
- Journals: names and initials of all authors; year in parentheses; full title of paper cited; short title of journal (italic); volume, number (in parentheses); first and last page numbers; DOI, if applicable.
Lau L (1996): Duality and the Structure of Utility Functions. Journal of Economic Theory, 1(3):374–396. - Books: names and initials of all authors; year (in parentheses); full title (italic); edition; publisher; place of publication.
Fudenberg D, Tirole J (1991): Game Theory. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. - Chapter in book.
Obstfeld M (1990): Discussion: Confidence Crises and Public Debt Management. In: Dornbusch R, Draghi M (eds): Public Debt Management: Theory and History. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 146–152.
- Journals: names and initials of all authors; year in parentheses; full title of paper cited; short title of journal (italic); volume, number (in parentheses); first and last page numbers; DOI, if applicable.
- Language editing: After an article is accepted for publication, it is reviewed by a language editor (a native English speaker), to ensure that the text is consistent with standards for modern English, and reads well. The language editor's suggestions are generally minor, because manuscripts must already be in good English to get accepted. The document (text only) with marked-up suggestions from the language editor is sent back to the author(s) for a quick double-checking. The authors should indicate if they disagree with some of the suggestions; otherwise, they should simply confirm the suggestions.
- Proofreading: After the language editing, the accepted articles are typeset, and sent back to the authors for a final round of corrections. The authors should make their proof corrections on a printout of the pdf/Word file or use the correction facilities provided in the pdf/Word document. They should check that the text is complete and that all figures and tables are included. The authors can do only formal corrections at this point. Substantial changes in content, e.g. new results, corrected values, title and authorship, are not allowed without the approval of the responsible editor. After online publication, further changes can only be made in the form of an Erratum, which will be hyperlinked to the article.
The editors reserve the right to return to the authors any manuscript that in their opinion is not suitable for publication in CJEF, without expressly stipulating the reasons for doing so. Under no circumstances will the identity of the reviewers and referees be disclosed to the authors or to any other third party.