Corporate Philanthropy in the Czech and Slovak Republics
Hanousek, Jan; Kočenda, Evžen; Svítková, Kateřina
Year: 2010 Volume: 60 Issue: 2 Pages: 102-121
Abstract: We analyze corporate charitable behavior and the motivation for it in the Czech and Slovak Republics. In our quantitative study we distinguish different channels of support: sponsoring and giving. We do not find evidence supporting the usual claim that foreign firms give more than domestic ones, but the results suggest that foreign firms give to maximize profits more often than domestic ones. The Czech Republic leads in giving over Slovakia, where the importance of large and international firms is higher. No significant decline in giving is found in Slovakia after changes in its tax legislation made giving more expensive.
JEL classification: D21, D64, F23, G30, L21, M14, P52
Keywords: corporate philanthropy, corporate giving, sponsoring, survey data, economic transformation, tax treatment
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