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Volume 51, Issue 5


Banking Regulation in Czechoslovakia 1918?1938

Kopecký, Ondřej

Year: 2001   Volume: 51   Issue: 5   Pages: 298-302

Abstract: The article surveys the establishment of a legislative framework providing for banking regulation in Czechoslovakia during 1918?1938. The state intervened in bank sanitation twice during economic recessions in the early 1920s and 1930s. The shocks resulted in the adoption of banking laws to strengthen the stability of the banking sector. The laws interfered with the internal organization of banks, compelled personal responsibility on the part of bank management, protected creditors, and supported inexpensive credit. The Ministry of Finance supervised and pursued licence policies. Other control activities were delegated to autonomous professional institutions. The article goes into great detail in describing the development of the areas mentioned above, and concludes in presenting an estimate of state assistance related to sanitation waves.

JEL classification: G21, G28, K23, N44

Keywords: bank; bank regulation; bank law; Czechoslovakia 1918-1938


RePEc: n/a

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