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Volume 52, Issue 2


Legitimita redistribuce: Česká republika v mezinárodním srovnání

Sirovátka, Tomáš; Valentová, Marie

Year: 2002   Volume: 52   Issue: 2   Pages: 23-35

Abstract: This paper considers the legitimacy, scope and purposes of redistribution in Czech society. The authors use data from international surveys from the mid-nineties onward, as well as several national Czech surveys. The authors claim that Czech society does not favor extensive redistribution in principle. Nevertheless, redistribution expectations are stronger than in other European countries. This may be the result of the social consequences of economic transition. While improving benefits for marginalized groups are met with little public support, general benefits, according to public opinion, should be increased. Measures to improve human capital and flexibility in the labor market are supported by the majority opinion as well. The Czech population also prefers to combine collective (social) protection with private supplementary insurance.

JEL classification: A14, H5, I3, I38

Keywords: redistribution; social justice; private and public insurance


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