Editorial information for the prospective authors - 2014
In the year 2013, the basic data about the flow of articles is as follows:
24 published articles
20 papers without decision (decision to be taken in 2014)
256 desk-rejections
23 papers rejected based on referee reports
2 withdrawls
2 rejection because of plagiarism
327 articles in total
2 observations stand out
The desk rejection rate is 78%. We suggest the prospective authors to consult the aims and scope of our journal as well as to browse trough the previous issues of our journal to see what type of articles we are typically interested in. The rejection rate is 92%. The rejection rate is 51% once the desk rejections are not considered.
The average time to make a first decision, excluding desk-rejections, is 3 months.
Call for papers
The Czech Journal of Economics and Finance is a peer-reviewed journal published by Charles University in Prague. It has been published since 1951 (ISSN: 0015-1920) and for a long time has been given an impact factor in Web of Science (see JCR Report of Social Science Citation Index).
We encourage submission of original unpublished papers written in good English. We focus on monetary economics, public finance, financial economics, and international economics, but are open to high-quality papers from all fields of modern economics. We prefer empirically oriented papers, but do not exclude review articles or theoretical contributions provided that they are of high quality and relevant to the journal’s aims. Among empirical papers, we prefer those relevant to a broad international audience, i.e., covering a range of countries or analyzing topics clearly relevant outside a single country.
For instructions for authors, see journal.fsv.cuni.cz/static/page/instruction.
The Editors