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Volume 54, Issue 11 -12


The New Basel Capital Accord and Czech Banks

Bauerová, Jaroslava

Year: 2004   Volume: 54   Issue: 11 -12   Pages: 500-519

Abstract: Commercial-bank risk management is fundamental in determining bank profitability, or indeed bank failure. Capital adequacy is widely considered the final safeguard of a bank?s solvency. Capital adequacy has been regulated chiefly according to the framework put forward by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in 1988, this known as the Basel Capital Accord. Since 1991, the committee has published a series of consultative papers toward a new capital-adequacy concept, the so-called New Basel Capital Accord, or Basel II. This new capital-adequacy concept includes several important changes on the original accord. This paper attempts to gauge the impact of Basel II on Czech commercial banks.

JEL classification: G21

Keywords: capital adequacy; Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; banking supervision


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