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Volume 72, Issue 4


Better Environmental Value Using Public Procurement: Evidence from Visegrad Group Countries

Kubák, Matúš; Nemec, Peter; Štefko, Róbert

Year: 2022   Volume: 72   Issue: 4   Pages: 296-327

Abstract: The perception of public procurement has changed over the last decade and gained the role of a strategic tool for achieving sustainable and inclusive growth goals. Environmental considerations in procuring goods, services, and works thus help promote sustainability goals and obtain better environmental value using public funds in the long term perspective. This paper analyses selected determinants' impact on green criteria to award public contracts in the Visegrad Group countries. Using content and regression analysis on an extensive dataset of contract award notices published in Tender Electronic Daily in 2017-2019, we show that green criteria are more prominent in contracts awarded by regional and local contracting authorities, confirming their significant role in fulfilling sustainable development goals on a local and regional level. On the other hand, the relatively low uptake of green award criteria suggests a somehow reserved attitude of contracting authorities towards promoting the environmental requirements by awarding contracts based on the most economically advantageous tender.

JEL classification: H50, H57, C30, Q01

Keywords: public procurement, Visegrad countries, most economically advantageous tender, green public procurement, sustainable public procurement

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32065/CJEF.2022.04.01

RePEc: https://ideas.repec.org/a/fau/fauart/v72y2022i4p296-327.html

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