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Volume 58, Issue 9 -10


Undershooting of the Inflation Target in the Czech Republic: The Role of Inflation Expectations

Horváth, Roman

Year: 2008   Volume: 58   Issue: 9 -10   Pages: 482-492

Abstract: This article addresses the role of the inflation target in inflation expectations using the vector error correction (VECM) and block restriction vector autoregression (VAR) models, based on the monthly data of 1999–2007 in the Czech Republic. The econometric analysis identifies nothing to support the “hypercredible” inflation target hypothesis, under which a 1 pp decrease in the inflation target would be accompanied by a decrease in inflation expectations of more than 1 pp. The results, however, do suggest that the inflation target is a major determinant of inflation expectations, its importance for the formation of inflation expectations surpassing even that of current inflation. Another conclusion is that inflation expectations decrease significantly in response to stricter monetary policy and to a lower inflation target. All in all, the results imply that Czech monetary policy has anchored inflation expectations.

JEL classification: E31, E52, E58

Keywords: inflation expectations, inflation targeting, monetary policy, vector autoregression


RePEc: http://ideas.repec.org/a/fau/fauart/v58y2008i9-10p482-492.html

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