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Volume 57, Issue 11 -12


Why Central Bankers Should Disclose Interest Rate Forecast

Filáček, Jan; Komárek, Luboš; Král, Petr

Year: 2007   Volume: 57   Issue: 11 -12   Pages: 558-576

Abstract: This paper deals with theoretical and empirical dimension of publishing interest rates projections by central banks. Its first goal is to review arguments in favor of and against this decision and to illustrate the debate using experience of four central banks which publish or used to publish interest rates forecast. The second objective is to evaluate the Czech National Bank’s capability to efficiently use publishing of its interest rates forecasts to increase further its transparency, accountability and credibility. The authors argue that (i) the CNB meets all requirements needed for making its interest rate forecast public; (ii) more specifically, they do not find any evidence of significantly worse CNB’s performance in interest rates forecasting compared to other institutions; (iii) it is not clear whether the risk assessment in combination with verbal description of interest rate forecast currently used has always been sufficiently precise guidance for the market participants; (iv) after the CNB starts publishing interest rates forecasts in 2008, market expectations will probably move closer to the CNB’s view which should in turn enhance accountability and credibility of the CNB’s forecasts and improve the efficiency of its monetary policy conduct at all.

JEL classification: E58, E47

Keywords: central bank, interest rate, forecast


RePEc: http://ideas.repec.org/a/fau/fauart/v57y2007i11-12p558-576.html

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