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Volume 57, Issue 1 -2


Foreign Banks, Foreign Lending and Cross-Border Contagion: Evidence from the BIS Data

Geršl, Adam

Year: 2007   Volume: 57   Issue: 1 -2   Pages: 27-40

Abstract: The paper discusses the role of foreign banks and foreign lending in central and east European countries from the financial-stability perspective using Bank for International Settlements data on global banking. The pattern of foreign bank involvement in the region is analyzed and the risk of cross-border contagion explored, focusing on three topics: the maturity of cross-border exposures, the concentration of foreign creditors, and the existence of common creditors.

JEL classification: F30, F34, G21

Keywords: contagion; banks; financial stability; common creditor


RePEc: http://ideas.repec.org/a/fau/fauart/v57y2007i1-2p27-40.html

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