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Volume 55, Issue 1 -2


Unemployment, Labor Marginalization, and Deprivation

Mareš, Petr; Sirovátka, Tomáš

Year: 2005   Volume: 55   Issue: 1 -2   Pages: 54-67

Abstract: The increase in long-term unemployment and the prolongation of periods of unemployment signals the establishment of a marginalized labor force in the Czech Republic. This paper considers the emerging marginalized groups in the Czech labor market, and their social, mental, and material deprivation. A major determinant of the incidence of unemployment in a person?s work career is human capital, indicated by completed education. Material deprivation is most severe in unemployed-affected households with dependents in which the breadwinner?s income has been lost. It is also severe in single-parent households. Overall, it is particularly those in the non-qualified labor force who find themselves in a state of permanent material deprivation with respect to a high risk of unemployment. The effects of labor market marginalization on labor market performance are mostly negative due to a diminished employability, and, as a result, declining effective labor supply. A policy response should involve employment tax and benefit reform and the extension of activating measures, mainly of those supporting employability and human capital.

JEL classification: J64, J65, J68

Keywords: involuntary unemployment; labor market marginalization; long-term unemployment; social, mental and material deprivation; unemployment benefits


RePEc: http://ideas.repec.org/a/fau/fauart/v55y2005i1-2p54-67.html

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